What you can expect to hear when you enter a class I'm teaching in:
I hope you've enjoyed learning about how I use music in the classroom. This poster also showcases other ways I incorporate sound. I use interviews for author studies, we love BrainPopJr videos, Skype sessions with people who use math and other skills on a professional level. Students use iPads or computers to record their own review for lessons.
If there's one thing that you take away from this blog series, it's this: STUDENTS SHOULD BE TALKING IN THE CLASSROOM. Are they talking about what movies they saw last weekend? They can be! What about a graphing exercise that involves their favorite things to start the day.
I know there is a time and place for students to talk. I incorporate opportunities for students to talk as much as possible. Small groups, turn and talk, picking sticks and calling names, scavenger hunts, whole group conversations, etc. Students are talking to each other, to me, other adults, and even themselves (whisper phones) in the classroom. The music and other things are just supplements to assist in lessons.
I want them talking to me and each other so I can hear what they are learning. This also helps me take an informal assessment of students meeting their learning targets. If students are able to teach someone else what they've learned, they are interested in the subject and have met their learning targets. Most students love to talk and will jump at the opportunity and freedom to do this.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing how I use sound in the classroom. I am always interested in hearing feedback from others.
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