Saturday, June 7, 2014

Using QR codes

I have used QR codes before - I have one on my resume that takes you to my digital teacher portfolio. I also used them in a sixth grade classroom, allowing students to make their own QR codes that linked back to a webpage they created. I have never considered using them in kindergarten, until I attended a district technology training. I started researching it and saw the independent benefits for my students. My goal is to have center work be fun, engaging, but also have something that holds the students accountable for their work.

It seemed easy enough so, the first thing that I did was search TPT for freebies under my grade level:

After we received our class iPad from our Donorchoose project we started using the iPad every chance we got in the classroom. Since we already do math center rotation, I just added this as another incentive for great listening skills in whole group. 
Students working with QR Codes in small group rotations

How do students use QR codes in my classroom? 

1. Get a record sheet.
2. Take off the camera cover.
3. use QR code app to scan the code and then record your answer. (You can search on the APP store for QR code scanner, I use QRReader).
4. Record your answer. 
5. Repeat, follow iPad rules, & have fun.

It's honestly that easy. I print the different center record sheets front to back so there is a chance for students to move to another baggie of questions if they are an early finisher. 

THEY BEG FOR THIS CENTER in both Reading & Math! 

These are easy to differentiate and put in different color bags. 

The QR code games shown in the pictures above come from one of my favorite bloggers:

Mr. Greg over at the smorgasboard has created so many great resources already that I always checked there first this year before creating something. I was so thankful I didn't have to recreate the wheel everytime. His products are alined with Common Core standards and he creates some of the best products on TPT that I've seen lately. He's also a local, TN blogger, and pretty much my blogging idol. Rockstar Teacher ALERT! :) 

There are more out there that we have used but here are 2 of our favorites: 

Bloomin' Subtraction QR Code FREEBIE!

Watch Mr. Greg's video about QR codes:

How do you use QR Codes or the iPad in your classroom? 


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